Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Celebrating me

I have no cause to be jealous/ envious of anyone else. I did my own things and I got rewarded for them – I feel proud of myself but I cannot just deny the facts that God is my driving force. I just read this post on Inyamu’s Eldorado’s blog “Don’t Jealous me”. It’s a pretty amazing post
Read it: http://www.inyamuakut.com/2011/10/dont-jealous-me.html
And I just realized how easy it has been for me to allow the green eyed monster indwell me. 
Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self-worth.  Each of us has something to give that no one else has.  ~Elizabeth O'Connor
Therefore I am writing a few things I have achieved that I am grateful for.
-         I am a graduate; B. A Degree (English Literature)
-         I have a good Job; IHV - Nigeria
-         I have my own company; Bangis Affairs
-         I am a BSF Leader (find out more about BSF at www.bsfinternational .org)
-         I am a car owner (Honda civic – 2002 LX)
-         I am trying to be a blogger
-         I am engaged to my Best friend (Gyang)
-         I am paying for my gown from rewards of Bangis Affairs
-     I am an event planner
-         I am planning my own wedding (www. Weddingbycolor.com) Yellow - Bangis
-         I have taken major decisions in my life that I am very proud of
-         I am a fast learner
-         I am an amazing friend, sister, daughter, niece, wife-to-be, colleague, etc.
-         I cook well
-         I have great guts (winky)
-         I collect amazing stuff (my friends inclusive …lol)

So many Beautiful, Amazing, Nice and Great thing, the list is endless: please drop a few things you are grateful for.
Have a great day – God bless.