Friday, 8 June 2012

7 Tips for Being A Better Bridesmaid


1. Be the "yes" gal. This is not your wedding. This is her day. Be agreeable. Nothing ever good has come from a disagreeable bridesmaid.
2. Leave your negativity at the door. Support and accept her decisions, even if you would not make the same ones. Whether she wants blue roses in her bridal bouquet... or if she has her heart set on serving pigs in a blanket as a main course at the reception, it's her choice.
3. Be a part of the party. As a bridesmaid, it is your duty to participate in all wedding activities, even if you despise the bouquet toss, get out there. When it is time for the toast, be present and ready to smile and click your glass.
4. Stick with her style. This is not the time to "force" or impose your style and ideas upon your friend, the bride. This is her day. Plan a bridal shower and a bachelorette party that reflect her taste and style.
5. Be a true friend. This is about more than doing your bridesmaid duties. The bride asked you to participate because you are friends and she trusts you. Don't let her down now. Listen when she needs to vent or brainstorm, and when you see it is all too much, make her take a break. Steal her away for a cup of coffee - no wedding talk allowed.
6. Behave. You do not want to be the talk of the wedding… the day after. That means no sneaking off with a groomsmen, getting into a disagreement with her sister-in-law or passing out in the hall. Not a good idea… for obvious reasons.
7. Be a voice of reason. Stay calm. Even in the most stressful moments, keep your head about you. Calm is contagious.
With these simple bits of wisdom, being a bridesmaid can be fun, and truly define your relationship for the rest of your lives. Most of all, it is important to remember to take the task seriously and remember you are doing this for your friend, the bride.