Friday, 13 January 2012

Think about this:

1. Funny! How a fifty naira (N50) note looks so big when taken to the church, but so small when taken to the market.
2. Funny! How long it takes to serve ‘GOD’ for an hour, but how convenient it is to sit and watch a team play ninety (90)
minutes of football.
3. Funny! How we cannot think of anything when we pray, but don’t have difficulty in thinking of things to talk about a friend.
4. Funny! How we get thrilled when a football game goes to an extra time, but we complain when a sermon is longer than the regular time.
5. Funny! How we believe what the mass media says, but question what the ‘BIBLE’ says.
6. Funny! Funny! How we can spend one (1) hour cracking jokes and gisting but can’t spend twenty (20) minutes discussing the ‘BIBLE’.
7. Funny! How we can stay awake at mid-night making ‘free night calls’, but very hard for us to study the BIBLE for an hour.
8. Very Funny! How you can pass a rumor/gossip and it is spreading like a wild fire, but when you start sharing the gospel people think twice about sharing it and doubt it.

Are you laughing? Or are you thinking? Remember what was said by ‘WILLIAMS JAMES’ 
     ‘The greatest use of both time and life is to spend it for something that outlasts It.’ 
Happy new year and GOD BLESS’’. 
"praying to be a better blogger this year- mehn! am so lazy - so help me God"


  1. Happy New Year dear. I'm learning to spend time with God in prayer and study of His word. It hasn't been easy cos there are lots of "more fun" things to be doing. But His grace is there to help me.

    1. hey you- i relate with you on that, so many distractions. but i guess we should keep holding on - trusting God, he promised us strength to carry on. keep PUSH- ing :)
