Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Brides By Months

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A January bride will be a prudent housekeeper,
and very good tempered.

A February bride will be an affectionate wife,
And a tender mother.
A March bride will be a frivolous chatterbox,
Somewhat given to quarreling.
An April bride will be inconsistent, or forceful,
But well-meaning.
A May bride will be handsome, agreeable,
And practical.
A June bride will be impetuous,
And generous.
A July bride will be handsome,
But a trifle quick-tempered.

An August bride will be agreeable,
And practical as well. 
A September bride will be discreet, affable,
And much liked.
An October bride will be pretty, coquettish,
Loving but jealous.
A November bride will be liberal and kind,
But sometimes cold.

A December bride will be fond of novelty,
Entertaining but extravagant.